awards recognition

Susan Elser, CFP® Featured in Barron's Article on Retirement and Tax Strategies

Neal Templin, author and contributor to Barron's, featured Susan in a recent article published in February of 2022. In the article, Templin tells a little of Susan's story, and asks her some straightfoward questions about tax strategy, retirement savings, and much more. Follow the linked title above to read the full article.

awards recognition

3 EFP Financial Planners Awarded Five Star Wealth Manager Award by Five Star Wealth Professionals

Susan Elser, CFP®, 11x recipient
Derek Hamilton, CFP®, JD, 4x recipient
Jonathan Herndon, CFP®, 3x recipient

"As Featured In"

Our founder, Susan Elser, as well as our firm, have been featured in various publications, including the notable institutions below.
awards recognition
awards recognition

Wall Street Journal Contributor Neal Templin Asks Susan Elser About High Advisory Fees

"Say Goodbye to the 1% Investment-Adviser Fee?" Templin explores how investors are beginning to question high fees and why lower-cost managers are seeing an increase in business.

awards recognition

Barron's Article on Aging with Your Finances, Featuring Indianapolis Advisor Susan Elser

In Barron's article "Financial Decision Making Worsens With Age. Here’s How to Help Your Future Self," Author Neal Templin asks Susan's advice on whether you should seek help with your finances as you age. (Published in June of 2021)

awards recognition

Susan Elser Featured in New York Post Article on Money and Marriage

Gregory Bresiger, New York Post contributor, interviews Susan for his article "Money Honey Strife" in 2013.

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